
ˈvər-chə-wəlˈdā-vəs Serial storyteller, poetry pusher, digital doodler, flâneur.

I’m Blogging This.

I'm Blogging This t-shirtI saved this image to my desktop within the last year or two. Now, cleaning up my desktop, I’m still enthused about the t-shirt, still want it, but I can’t remember where in the world to find the clever merchant.

I saved it as a reminder to buy the t-shirt, but now I’ve lost track of where to buy it. And yet… the shirt is GREAT! Any leads?

Wong Fook Hing Book Store

This was simply too, too good to send off to the recycling bin without sharing the chuckle. If you’ve spent time in China — and maybe even if you haven’t — you’ll appreciate an email that was forwarded to me today. It’s one of those *clever* dispatches that asks you to read something and then scroll down until an image appears. So, some of the lead-up vanishes here, but the image says it all.

“If you can’t find the book you want, you’re probably shopping at the…” 

Wong Fook Hing Bookstore


Sally Johnson: Reconstructing Homes and History

What a nice surprise to receive an email forward from my mother letting me know that an article had been written about this wonderful woman. Since I was a child Sally Johnson’s home/property restoration projects have inspired me while significantly polishing up the wonderful town on Essex, NY. I encourage you to read this article: Woman finds joy reconstructing homes, history.

Strange but Intriguing!

Hmmm… Survey says, “Strange but intriguing!” But who believes surveys, especially when they are fictional rhetorical devices dreamed up extemporaneously by your present tour guide? I say, check for yourself if you have a couple of moments to let the video load. It’s a little slow, so don’t bother to watch it the first time as it’s loading. Turn the volume down/off and get back to whatever you were working on in another window. Then, when you remember that you’ve loaded the short, return to Elvis D’Silva’s video and hit play.

Getting Dizzy with the NATO Phonetic Alphabet

When it rains it pours. A month and a half of drought; then a deluge. That’s life! Yes, I’m back sooner than expected with a couple of collectibles that I couldn’t let slip through my fingers without passing them along. And knowing where they’d be when I came looking for them later.

First off, is it late? Are you tired? Are your eyes pretty well shot from looking at the screen for too long. Then check this out. Optical illusion to dazzle and dizzify you… And before I let you slip into total disorientation, here’s another handy tool to have up your sleeve, the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.

Do you know them all? Give it a try: Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu Now test yourself. Spell your name. Or spell your address… Good night.