
ˈvər-chə-wəlˈdā-vəs Serial storyteller, poetry pusher, digital doodler, flâneur.

What’s on Your Desk This Morning?


I meant to post this earlier. In the mean time morning’s somehow, almost imperceptibly, slipped into afternoon. So, what’s on your desk this afternoon?

Our Dock House from Essex Ferry Landing


Rosslyn Dock House
Rosslyn Dock House via

I took this photo a day or two before they closed the ferry. I was sitting in my car, waiting to be ferried across Lake Champlain to Charlotte, Vermont.

Before It’s Too Late.



“Before it’s too late.” This advertisement from the WWF is on Ads of the World and was brought to my attention by Nicholas Patten (@nicholaspatten on Twitter) in his tweet: “52 Most Interesting and Creative Advertisements.”

Posted by virtualDavis via web from virtualDavis’s posterous

Long Way Down


Dramatic bridge picStumbled across this dramatic bridge photograph on Reddit this afternoon. Spectacular!

India Snapshots

India Pics


Fresh back in the USA after 2.5 weeks in India. Still sorting out the culture shock, etc. Soon Susan and I will start sorting through hundreds of photos, but in the meanwhile here are several daily candids snapped on my Blackberry to keep family and friends in the loop.

Another Dockhouse Sighting

Flickr is nearly as perfect a procrastination tool as Facebook or Twitter. Better than Twitter, maybe. Recent discoveries include a couple of shots of our dockhouse.

Rosslyn dockhouse


Rosslyn Dockhouse in November

Day actually became colorful a little later on, but these tones were almost richer than the bright blues and yellows of high noon. Any idea what’s missing from this photo?Rosslyn dockhouse


Docks and boat hoist are in. Doug and I spent the better part of Sunday morning seeing to that awkward task. And then changing out the moorings for winter. And neither of us fell into the drink!

But docks, boat hoist and moorings aren’t the only missing pieces of this puzzle…

Sherwood Inn C1940

Every month or two I find a good image of our house on eBay, mostly old postcards from the first half of the 20th century when it was an inn, restaurant and bar. (Called the Sherwood Inn.) Kind of a weird feeling actually, so I try to win the auctions for our collection and to take them out of circulation.

Sherwood Inn


Although the porch was removed a couple of decades ago, and the big maple trees have mostly succumbed, much of the house looks the same today.

Top Photos of 2008


Top 2008 PicsSomebody with a bit too much time on their hands mashed up a PowerPoint presentation with a slew of photos garnered from the web during the past year. These are a few of my favorites. Apparently they were all voted on by someone somewhere, but that information had been expunged by the time it trickled down to me via a local friend. Some duds (cute kittens, etc.) but in general, this is a fun way to dally away a couple of minutes. If you’re interested, download the Top Photos of 2008 pps file and enjoy.