20 Foods You Should Eat

20 great foods you aren’t – but should be – eating. (Credit: The Times)

20 great foods you aren’t – but should be – eating. (Credit: The Times)

It’s 2010, the year to get healthy, right? Or did you already let your resolutions slip? Amanda Ursell’s 20 great foods you aren’t eating introduces “easy-to-buy super foods [that] could help you to live a healthier, flat-bellied and longer life…”

What are you waiting for?

Here’s a punch list of good-stuff-to-eat: almonds, apples, baked beans, chilies, dark chocolate, frozen berries, frozen peas, grapefruit, green tea, new potatoes, oats, oily fish, olives, parsley, poached eggs, pomegranates, prunes, tomatoes, turmeric and whole wheat pasta.

But how to eat all these good ingredients? You’ll find links to healthy recipes, so there’s no excuse to eat microwave dinners and fast food! Good luck.

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